Does Dying in Your Dreams Kill You in Real Life?

We’ve all heard this but the question is, is it true?

Jimmy Misner Jr.


Photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash

I imagine we’ve all heard this before. The idea that if you die in your dreams, you die in real life. The answer is, of course you do! Eventually… of something else, lol. I’ve personally had numerous dreams where I died and I’m still here, so the real answer is no, you won’t die in real life because you died in your dream.

If I left it at that, this would be a really short article, so I’ll talk about what dying in your dreams can mean. I don’t personally put a lot of stock into these things but they are interesting regardless.

A major life transition.

Dying in a dream can be your brains attempt to reconcile big changes that are occurring in your life. Moving, quitting a job, getting married, and more. When big things are happening this can be represented in your mind as you dying.

You’re saying goodbye.

This is basically the same as above but it’s your brains way of saying goodbye when you’re leaving something. When you are leaving something familiar for something new.

You’re Feeling Neglected.

Sometimes you might die in your dreams because you’ve been neglecting your own needs. When this happens, your brain is trying to get your attention. To let you know that you’ve neglected your own needs for too long.

Stress/Unresolved Issues.

If you’re overloaded with too much on your plate, dying in your dreams can be a way for your brain to tell you to slow down. With unresolved issues, it’s again your brain trying to call attention to an issue that you haven’t dealt with yet.

That’s basically what’s up with dying in your dreams. You won’t actually die, as anyone who has died in a dream knows, but it can be an indication of things going on in your life.

It seems that it’s often just your brains way of trying to resolve things that are happening. I can testify to this to some extent because two different times when I dreamed of dying, I was stressed out dealing with stuff.



Jimmy Misner Jr.

I like to write about everything but mainly life lessons, relationships, and advice in general. I respond to comments so feel free to start a conversation!